Al Anderson Timeline and Summary


Al Anderson Timeline and Summary

  • Al's excited when he realizes that the two strangers who show up at his lunch wagon are the Party men Mac and Jim. He's sympathetic to the cause.
  • Al cooks them up a free meal and tells them everything that he knows about the situation in Torgas Valley. He also lets slip that his dad owns a small farm.
  • Al's willing to give the guys a free meal now and then, as long as the strikers don't hurt the "little guys" in the Valley, including his dad.
  • As things progress, Al gets another visit from Mac, who wants to ask Al's dad to lend them some space on his farm for the workers to camp. Al is not into this idea.
  • But Al's persuaded by Mac's rhetoric and brings his new friend out to meet his dad.
  • Al is rewarded for helping the workers by having his lunch wagon burned and his ribs and arm broken. He retreats to his father's farm to recuperate.
  • Mac and Jim visit Al at his father's farm. Al is pretty fired up and tells Mac he wants an application to join the Party.
  • Al tells the men his reason: he saw a police officer just watching as the vigilantes beat him and burned down his lunch wagon.
  • After his father's barn is burned down, Al gets another visit from Mac and Jim, who are extremely apologetic. Al doesn't blame them, but he thinks they should leave.
  • Al still wants to join the Party, but Mac tells him he'll have to remain a secret sympathizer in order to make things right with his dad.