Joy Timeline and Summary


Joy Timeline and Summary

  • Joy is introduced to Jim when he arrives at the Party flophouse. We learn that he is an angry and punch-drunk old man who doesn't know how to avoid conflict.
  • We learn from Mac and Dick that Joy has been beaten so badly in his conflicts with police that he's on the verge of madness from brain damage.
  • Joy gets arrested for stabbing a police officer. Mac tries to arrange some kind of legal help for him.
  • Dick sends a letter to Mac reporting that Joy has escaped jail by assaulting an officer. His whereabouts are unknown.
  • Joy appears in one of the freight cars at the train depot as the strikers are determined to confront the scabs who have just arrived.
  • As he tries to lead some of the scabs over to Mac and Jim and the workers, Joy is shot and killed.
  • London carries Joy's body to Dakin's truck, and they take him back to the camp. Mac wants the men to see Joy's corpse so that they will be angry enough to do something.
  • The coroner collects Joy's body from the camp in order to examine it, on the chance that charges might be pressed. He returns it to the men a couple of days later.
  • Mac has a platform built for Joy's coffin. He encourages London to make a speech but has to take over when the leader's words fall flat.