In Dubious Battle Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around In Dubious Battle? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What does Steinbeck mean by commenting on Dakin's and his wife's dental work?

He wants to shine a spotlight on dental hygiene.
He wants to show that Dakin is a clean man.
He wants to show that Dakin has more money than most workers.
He wants to show that Dakin and wife are physically attractive.
Q. What might Jim's fatal wound symbolize (other than death)?

the erasure of his personal identity
the severity of buckshot wounds
Jim's gullibility
the lack of security around the camp
Q. Why does Steinbeck focus on light (or lack thereof) in the novel?

It symbolizes hope and strength.
It symbolizes wealth and health.
It stands for wisdom.
It indicates social status.
Q. What is a possible reason for Steinbeck to have given the character Joy that name?

Because Joy is ecstatic when he's beaten for the cause.
He appreciates the androgynous nature of the name.
It's really a nickname. Joy's real name is William.
Because Joy has led a happy life.
Q. Dakin's shiny new truck might represent:

consumerism at its worst
a small fulfillment of the American Dream
an unwise expense for a poor family
a work-related purchase