How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
New boatsteerers had been known to faint dead away when first presented with the terrifying prospect of attaching themselves to an infuriated sperm whale. (3.22)
That's some scary stuff—frankly, we're getting woozy just thinking about it. For these novice sailors, the experience of killing a whale is more terrifying than anything they've ever done before. As we'll learn over the course of the book, however, these kids have good reason to be scared.
Quote #2
With [...] the legendary dangers of the Horn looming ahead of them, tensions aboard the Essex were reaching a breaking point. (3.45)
Fear has a tendency to spread dissent. This is a bad time for this to be happening, however: traveling around the horn of South America is the most dangerous leg of their journey. Our capricious crew had better keep their wits about them if they want to survive.
Quote #3
As far as Pollard and his men knew [...] they were at the edge of an unknown world filled with unimaginable dangers. (5.4)
Of course, not all fears are created equal. While it's certainly right to fear giant whales or bloodthirsty sharks, it's maybe less useful to fear your fellow man. This fear will eventually come back to bite the Essex's crew in their collective backside.