Shirley Temple Wong / Bandit / Sixth Cousin Timeline and Summary


Shirley Temple Wong / Bandit / Sixth Cousin Timeline and Summary

  • Sixth Cousin, a.k.a. Bandit Wong, starts off in China. She and her mother move to Brooklyn in order to join her father.
  • On her first outing in Brooklyn, Shirley gets lost. Yikes.
  • She doesn't speak English, and when she starts school, she finds it difficult to make friends or fit in with the other kids, which makes her feel pretty darn lonely.
  • When Shirley gets into a fight with the biggest girl in fifth grade, Mabel, she comes out of it with two black eyes—but Shirley doesn't snitch on Mabel, which earns her Mabel's respect. So Mabel takes Shirley under her wing and brings her into the fold of her classmates, teaching her about baseball and what it means to be an American kid.
  • During the summer, Shirley listens to the Dodgers' games, helps out around her building, and aids Señora Rodriguez in getting her dream to come true (visiting her daughter). She also assists her dad in taking care of the building while Señora R is gone.
  • Once she's back at school, Shirley keeps up her love of the Dodgers, fits back in with her pals, and makes a new BFF, Emily Levy. Exciting stuff.
  • Finally, at Christmastime, Shirley gets to present the key to P.S. 8 to her hero, Jackie Robinson. She also finds out that her mom is pregnant. Hurray for a bright future.