How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from It's a Wonderful Life.
Quote #1
JOSEPH: George saved his brother's life that day. But, he caught a bad cold, which infected his left ear. Cost him his hearing in that ear. It was weeks before he could return to his after-school job at old man Gower's drugstore.
This incident sets up George's devotion to his family right from the start of the film. It foreshadows later events that show us the interconnectedness of people's lives.
Quote #2
GEORGE: Why do you call this a happy family? Why do we have to have all these kids?
Is this George Bailey speaking here? What's happening? In the depth of his despair, George rails against the people he loves most. He's displacing his anger at himself for not providing financial stability for them. They feel like a burden to him right now.