Love Medicine Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Love Medicine? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Who was Lulu Nanapush's first husband?

Moses Pillager
Gerry Nanapush
Beverly Lamartine
Gordie Kashpaw
Q. To whom was June Kashpaw married?

Moses Pillager
Gerry Nanapush
Beverly Lamartine
Gordie Kashpaw
Q. With whom did June Kashpaw have an affair?

Moses Pillager
Gerry Nanapush
Beverly Lamartine
Gordie Kashpaw
Q. Which two characters ended up sharing a bed (and some hanky panky) in a Fargo hotel room?

Nector Kashpaw and Lulu Nanapush Lamartine
Nector Kashpaw and Marie Lazarre Kashpaw
Albertine Johnson and Henry Lamartine Junior
Albertine Johnson and Lipsha Morrissey
Q. Who was rumored to have caught Eli's eye (romantically speaking) waaaaay back in the past?

Marie Kashpaw
Marie's mother
Fleur Pillager
Dot Adare