


Character Role Analysis

Max and Furiosa

On the surface, Max and Furiosa probably seem pretty similar, and therefore unlikely contenders to be foils. But hear us out. Sure, they're both taciturn, fierce, and frankly kinda pissy, but in one key way, they're quite different: Furiosa has a mission. Max? He's just trying to survive.

Why does this matter, you ask? Mainly because throughout the movie, Furiosa manages to show Max that surviving without a mission—without something to fight for—isn't really surviving at all. (So it's a good thing he reminds her of that fact in the end, and convinces her to take back the Citadel.)

The Vuvalini and Immortan Joe

Let's tally up, shall we?

  • Immortan Joe rules over a male dominated society, while the Vuvalini are matriarchal.
  • Immortan Joe uses industry and pollution to keep his citizens oppressed, and the Vuvalini are all about planting seeds and making the world green again.
  • Immortan Joe's power is total and megalomaniacal, while the Vuvalini seem to share responsibility and power.

Who would you rather have in charge?