Main Street Gender Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #1

She was not in love—that is, not often, nor ever long at a time. She would earn her living. (1.2.8)

In her younger years, Carol isn't especially interested in romance or marriage. She's much more interested in pursuing a career and fulfilling her young ambitions. At that time, women had hardly any opportunity to combine those two interests.

Quote #2

"What's better than making a comfy home and bringing up some cute kids and knowing nice homey people?" (1.5.10)

When Carol rejects Stewart Snyder's proposal, he's stunned. He can't imagine how a woman would want anything more in life than to have a well-to-do husband and raise a bunch of kids. Looks like life wouldn't have been much better with Stewart…

Quote #3

"Look at that scared baby! Needs some woman with hands like yours. Waiting for you! Just look at that baby's eyes, look how he's begging—" (2.2.32)

Everywhere she looks, Carol sees people who are telling her to start having babies as soon as possible. They don't seem to understand that Carol wants more in life than babies and the life of a housewife. Why do others have such a hard time understanding Carol's desires?