Marcelo in the Real World Chapter 15 Summary

  • Wendell has asked Arturo if Marcelo can help him on the Vidromek case, and Arturo was thrilled, of course.
  • Marcelo? Not so much.
  • Of course when Marcelo reports for work, Wendell expects him to do the work Wendell's too lazy to do. And by "too lazy," we mean, "he has to go to a Harvard squash team meeting."
  • Today's the last day to turn in the documents to another law firm, but squash is more important, apparently.
  • Wendell fills Marcelo in on the case: people who have been injured by their shattered windshields are suing because the windshields do not, in fact, break into a million tiny harmless pieces like they're supposed to.
  • The people who are suing want to find out if Vidromek knew about the flaw, but Vidromek's lips are sealed.
  • Wendell reminds Marcelo that because Arturo's so happy to have his son on the Vidromek case, Marcelo will get to go to Paterson, and therefore he owes Wendell the favor of getting Jasmine on the yacht.
  • Marcelo's bummed: wasn't Wendell trying to be his friend? He's not going to get Jasmine on the yacht, because it doesn't feel right, which will mean Wendell won't be his friend anymore.
  • Oh well. He gets to organizing the files. Wendell has told him to throw duplicates away.
  • After he's done, Marcelo decides to go through the trash to make sure he didn't throw anything away by accident.
  • It's then that he discovers he's accidentally thrown away a photo of a girl with half a face. Yep—half a face.
  • He shoves the picture into an envelope just in time: Arturo comes in to tell Marcelo how much more he'll learn from working with Wendell.
  • But Marcelo stands up for himself, because he still wants to work with Jasmine. Go Marcelo, go.
  • Arturo's response is to find it interesting that Marcelo's raising his voice. This is the last thing Arturo tells him before leaving the office and going about his business.