Marty Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Marty? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Whom does Angie try to make Marty call at the beginning of the movie?

a woman he's not interested in
his mom
the Stardust Ballroom, to check admission prices
his boss, to see if Marty can get him a job
Q. What does Angie do when he can't find Marty at the Stardust Ballroom?

finds his own date
looks high and low for him
goes straight home
breaks out in song
Q. What are the boys reading at the bar?

He's Just Not That Into You
a detective novel
a girlie mag
The Grapes of Wrath
Q. Why does Marty lose patience with his friends?

their aimless indecision
their bad smell
their disrespect of women
their disinterest in bettering themselves
Q. Where do the guys say "You hafta beat 'em off with sticks"?

the Communist meeting down the block
72nd Street
the movie theater