Mary Poppins Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Mary Poppins? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What kind of animals act as waiters for Mary and Bert after they enter an animated world?

Great White Sharks
Q. When Mary sings a song as she and the kids clean up the nursery with magic, what's one miraculous thing that happens?

Mary's reflection sings along with her, but then sings independently of her.
Fairies arrive and help clean up the nursery.
Mary wins the lottery.
A flying carpet transports Michael around the room.
Q. What can help make Uncle Albert stop floating?

Thinking of something sad
Counting sheep
Q. What magical act does Mary Poppins do that surprises Ellen the Maid at the beginning of the movie?

She pulls one live rabbit out of her hat after another.
She turns Bert into a rabbit when he makes a sarcastic comment, before turning him back into a human.
She slides up the banister, all the way to the top of the stairs.
She travels back in time to shoot Hitler.
Q. What object talks to Mary at the end of the movie?

A statue of Julius Caesar's head
A Furby
The handle of Mary's umbrella
A toy tin soldier Mary is putting away in the children's nursery