Mary Shelley Primary Sources

Historical documents. What clues can you gather about Mary Shelley, the time, place, players, and culture?


The straightforward text of the novel.

Digital Frankenstein

A hyperlinked version of the novel from the University of Maryland's Romantic Circles project.

The Last Man

Text of Shelley's 1826 novel.

History of a Six Weeks' Tour

Mary Shelley's account of her elopement with Percy Bysshe Shelley.


Text of Shelley's posthumously published novella.

Proserpine and Midas

An 1820 play by Mary Shelley.

Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley

A collection of poems by Shelley's husband available online.

A Vindication of the Rights of Women

Shelley's mother's famous 1792 feminist tract.

Godwin's Collected Works

Online text of the political writings of Shelley's father, William Godwin.