Samuel Reyes a.k.a. Grandfather Timeline and Summary


Samuel Reyes a.k.a. Grandfather Timeline and Summary

  • Grandfather's eightieth birthday and Final Banquet occurs two days after Cassia's Match Banquet.
  • Grandfather receives a tissue preservation kit from the Committee, meaning his status has earned him eligibility for tissue preservation—if Society figures out a way to bring them all back to life someday, he's golden.
  • For his final feast, he chooses all desserts.
  • Upon receiving Cassia's final gift of copied and pasted sentiments, Grandfather advises her to trust her own words.
  • Grandfather takes a final look at a piece of paper he's got hidden in his compact, and gives it to Cassia to understand later.
  • Grandfather dies right on cue, and his last words are "'I love you'" (7.99).