Meditations Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Meditations? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Why does Marcus think he shouldn't be angry with people who do him wrong?

They are ignorant and don't know better
They aren't worth his time
He can just have them killed; he's emperor
Their wrongs will come back to them
Q. Marcus constantly reminds himself to break things down into their component parts. Why?

Because he likes to break things
Because it keeps his mind occupied
Because it helps him see things as they truly are
Because it helps him focus
Q. Why is it madness to expect bad people to behave well?

Because Marcus doesn't believe people can change
Because bad people don't want to change
Because they are bad; they can't act any other way
Because bad people are genetically evil; they can't be good
Q. How does Marcus calm himself when he's upset with things?

He reads Plato
He goes to Pilates
He prays
He remembers that he will die soon
Q. Which of these things would Marcus say?

Kindness is invincible.
Love the one you're with.
Stick it to the man.
Revenge is sweet.