How we cite our quotes: (Line)
Quote #1
If Derwent be innocent, steady, and wise,
And delight in the things of earth, water, and skies; (11-12)
The lines make it seem like "earth, and water, and skies" are like gods, with their own children or "things." In a way, the speaker perceives nature as having its own family, of which a poet must become a part.
Quote #2
May crown him with fame, and must win him the love
Of his father on earth and his father above. (15-16)
These lines are really strange. Why would Derwent need to "win" his father's love and God's love? Doesn't he have these already by being a son of both of them? The lines suggest that family dynamics can be a little more complicated than we might think at first. Maybe Coleridge was a very demanding dad.
Quote #3
Could you stand upon Skiddaw, you would not from its whole ridge
See a man who so loves you as your fond S.T. Coleridge. (17-18)
Well that's a relief. At least now we know his dad really loves Derwent, even if he's not a great poet. But still, he seems pretty bent on making a poet of his son.