My Heartbeat Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around My Heartbeat? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Ellen's library has plays written by which gay writers?

Stephen Spielberg and George Lucas
Oscar Wilde and Tennessee Williams
Edward Albee and Tony Kushner
Marcel Proust and André Gide
Q. According to her newfound wisdom, Ellen decides that gay people only have to worry about which two things?

The weather and fashion choices
Where to eat and who to eat with
AIDS and rednecks
Education and marriage equality
Q. According to Ellen, why doesn't anyone write down the unwritten social laws about gay people?

Because no one knows what they really are
Because that would involve admitting they exist
Because no one can agree on which font to use
Because there are too many to list
Q. Dad says that like most minorities, gay people are forced to live where?

Wherever they want
Outside the mainstream of society
Q. What does James thinks being gay is about?

Whom you love, the how and why of it, and if what you get back is worth what you give up
Making choices that rebel against your parent's wishes
Sleeping with your father's protégé
Being flexible about gender and identity