Nathaniel Hawthorne Images

Handsome Hawthorne

A portrait of the writer, who was noted in his youth for his good looks.

Older Hawthorne

The writer in his "distinguished" years.

Sophia Peabody Hawthorne

Hawthorne's wife and close companion.

The Bet

The original bet between Hawthorne and Bowdoin classmate Jonathan Cilley that Hawthorne would not be married in twelve years. He won a cask of Madeira wine.


The house where Hawthorne (then Hathorne) was born in Salem, Massachusetts.


An original edition of Hawthorne's first novel.

The House of the Seven Gables

The Salem home of his cousin Susannah Ingersoll inspired Hawthorne's novel of the same name.

The Old Manse

The home that Nathaniel and Sophia Peabody rented as newlyweds.


The Hawthorne family home in Concord, Mass., previously owned by the Alcott family.

Salem Custom House

Hawthorne's old office.