Helen Timeline and Summary


Helen Timeline and Summary

  • Helen appears on the beach, where the waiter and the narrator think she is a mirage, while the tourists are stunned by her beauty.
  • Helen gossips with a group of women about finding work and tells them she is pregnant.
  • She walks down the beach singing a song by the Beatles, and then encounters a boy on a horse. The narrator switches the scene to burning Troy.
  • The narrator encounters Helen once more when she sets up a "hairdo" stand on the beach for tourists.
  • She fights with Achille in the marketplace and speeds off with Hector in the Comet.
  • Plunkett catches Helen "trying on" his wife's bracelet—and lets her get away with it.
  • Helen's passion for Friday night "blockos" drives Achille nuts.
  • Achille and Helen have a blazing fight because Helen has been with Hector (and others?).
  • She moves in with Hector.
  • Helen goes to Maud to ask her for money and tells her former employer that she is pregnant.
  • She grieves for Achille because the villagers are saying that he has been lost at sea.
  • When Achille's boat is spotted returning to shore, Helen shows up to see it—but then immediately goes away.
  • Helen attends Hector's funeral, but does not approach the grave.
  • She changes after Hector's death, becoming even prouder (from grief) and more beautiful (from pregnancy).
  • Helen attends Maud's funeral, and afterward, she tells Achille that she's coming back to him.
  • The narrator speculates on his motives for writing about Helen. Why can't she just be a beautiful woman and not a reminder of an ancient past?
  • Helen helps Achille into her yellow dress and pads his chest with rags for the Boxing Day African dance ritual.
  • She ultimately gets a job as a waitress at the Halcyon, but remains as proud as ever.