One Came Home Chapter 11 Summary

  • Billy and Georgie make it into Dog Hollow, the nearest town to where Agatha's body was found.
  • Billy gives Georgie money to buy food, and she goes into the general store.
  • Georgie gets into some serious bargaining with the store owner, whom she nicknames Pin Eyes. Pin Eyes is not very nice at all until Georgie pulls out her photo of Agatha and asks if she's seen a girl like that.
  • Thinking of her two brothers who were killed in the Civil War, Pin Eyes softens up a little bit. It's clear she thinks Agatha is dead, but she holds out hope.
  • Georgie leaves the store and asks three men sitting on a porch if they've seen Agatha. They might have, but they're not very forthcoming with their information.
  • Some people won't talk at all, and others will just say they saw a girl who looked like Agatha, but they don't know anything else.
  • Pin Eyes calls Georgie back inside the store and shows her a medicine bottle. She says Agatha was traveling with a man who gave his name as "Metcalf" and sold medicines—there were two men and two women together in all, but Pin Eyes doesn't know where they went.
  • Pin Eyes says Agatha was definitely traveling with some unsavory characters, and she wouldn't be surprised if harm came to her.
  • As Georgie leaves the store, she sees Billy coming out of the telegraph office. She runs into the telegraph office and tries to get the operator to tell her about the message Billy sent—Georgie thinks nothing of committing felonies with the mail if it will get her information about Agatha.
  • Georgie confronts Billy about the telegram and he confesses that he was sending a message back to Placid to let their families know what's up.
  • Turns out Grandfather Bolte knows all about Georgie's plan to search for Agatha: that's why he cleaned her Springfield. They all thought a little road trip would help Georgie accept Agatha's death.
  • Grandfather Bolte is paying Billy to go with Georgie and look out for her, which does not sit well with Georgie at all.
  • Over dinner, Billy shows Georgie a map his dad, Sheriff McCabe, drew to show where the body was found.
  • She questions him again about the kiss, and he says it was just a goodbye kiss because Agatha told him she was going to marry Mr. Olmstead.
  • Georgie is still suspicious: She doesn't think anybody whistles over a goodbye kiss. Good point, Georgie.
  • Georgie sleeps in the open, not caring if a cougar gets her anymore.
  • She's afraid Agatha really is dead.