Fatima Espérer Timeline and Summary


Fatima Espérer Timeline and Summary

  • Fatima arrives on a boat with other African refugees in the Big Apple. She's excited to be in America and see the Statue of Liberty soon.
  • She gets a job selling papers and meets a war vet named Jimmi. She makes him a paper angel from her newspapers and he releases a bunch of them into the sky for people to see.
  • One day, she meets Mik, a hearing impaired girl about her age. It turns out Mik knows what it's like to be an outsider—she doesn't have any friends.
  • Mik and Fatima take a boat to visit the Statue of Liberty, but before they can get there, it gets rained out. All they can see of the statue are the feet.
  • The girls decide to make their own statue. Well, sort of. They paint a mural with the Statue of Liberty since they didn't get to visit the real one together.
  • Mik's boss, Joe, leaves her money to get a fancy new hearing operation. She doesn't qualify for it, but Fatima convinces Mik to get new hearing aids that work better than her old crummy ones.
  • With the leftover money from Joe, Mik helps Fatima get an immigration lawyer so she can stay in America legally… for the paltry price of sixty-five thousand dollars.
  • During the mob attack on Jimmi, Fatima appears and stands in between the mob and Jimmi, demanding they release him.
  • Jimmi is pulled down and taken to the hospital. In the shuffle, he accidentally mentions Fatima to someone who calls immigration on her.
  • Mik visits Fatima in the deportation center. They share a heartfelt goodbye and promise to see each other again.
  • Fatima flies home and gets to see the Statue of Liberty as she's leaving.