The Captain Timeline & Summary


The Captain Timeline & Summary

  • The Captain does not love having Jun Do on the Junma, because Jun Do directs them into international waters.
  • We learn that the Captain had been imprisoned by the Russians for four years and that his wife had been assigned a replacement husband.
  • The Captain gets an order from Chongjin to get live shrimp. He has to run the ship into Russian waters to find them.
  • The Captain tells the crew about taking in a haul of squid on the Russian penal vessel and watching a young boy get killed by them.
  • The Captain and crew fish up a ton of Nike sneakers instead of shrimp. As they scoop up shrimp in international waters, they are stopped and searched by the American Navy.
  • The Captain's annoyed with Jun Do, who couldn't even act like a proper fisherman to keep the Americans from being suspicious.
  • The Captain orders his crew to come up with a good story to tell the officials in North Korea. He gets rid of the equipment the Americans gave them and dumps all the Nikes overboard.
  • Back out on the ocean, the Captain throws out the hand grenade he was given by officials to sink the Junma if they were boarded by Americans again.
  • The Captain gives Jun Do a tattoo of Sun Moon on his chest to make him a more believable fisherman.
  • The Captain correctly guesses that the voices on the bottom of the sea are really coming from the International Space Station.
  • After the Second Mate defects, the Captain orchestrates an elaborate story to tell the officials. He volunteers Jun Do to receive a shark bite as a cover-up.
  • The Captain visits Jun Do at the Second Mate's house to check on his recovery.
  • The Captain knows that Jun Do will get a reward for heroism, and he wants him to get his old wife back for him.
  • The Captain sees Jun Do one more time—in Prison 33, when Jun Do is compelled to participate in stoning him.
  • The Captain tells Jun Do to escape.