One Last Try
- No farm, no Denys.
- Karen decides to go back to Denmark and sell everything she owns from her farm.
- She goes to the colonial bureaucracy to try to keep some of the land for her workers. She practically begs them to let her workers stay on their land.
- Denys arrives just in time to prevent the authorities from throwing her out. Karen gives him one last chance.
- Denys arrives to Karen's empty house for dinner.
- He offers to fly her to Mombasa for her trip home.
- They share a dance in the empty house and out to the yard among her belongings, which have been set out for the rummage sale in the morning.
- Denys flies away.
- Karen sells her belongings at the rummage sale.
- Bror arrives to inform Karen that Denys has been killed; he crashed his plane.
- Karen stands alone, waiting for Denys' coffin.
- Karen says her farewells to Denys' grave before walking away, alone again.