Paul's Case: A Study in Temperament Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Paul's Case: A Study in Temperament? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. How does New York City compare to Pittsburgh in Paul's perception?

New York is bigger.
New York is scarier.
New York is the place where dreams go to die
New York is an extension of his fairy tale with the theater.
Q. What is the significance of the story taking place in 1905?

The U.S. in 1905 was just coming off of the high of the Gilded age, a period that saw a few people make vast fortunes—and a lot more people suffer in dreadful conditions in order to produce all those fortunes.
The drama unfolds in a more innocent time period making Paul's action seem harsher.
It was near the start of a new century.
1905 was the year the Giants won the pennant.
Q. How do the narrator's omissions affect the story?

It makes it difficult to read without losing the continuity of the plot.
It creates suspense.
The narrator has to guess and conjecture—just like we do.
It's annoying.
Q. How does "Paul's Case" reflect Gothic characteristics?

Everyone wears black clothing.
It contrasts beautiful, fantastical places with dark, scary places.
The plot includes a tragic romance.
Paul's Case does not reflect Gothic characteristics.
Q. What best describes the tone of "Paul's Case?"

Dry and Factual
Cold And Cynical
A comedy