Percy Bysshe Shelley Primary Sources

Historical documents. What clues can you gather about Percy Bysshe Shelley, the time, place, players, and culture?

The Complete Poetical Works

The 1901 edition of Shelley's collected poems.

Poem Notes by Mary Shelley

The introductory notes to selected Shelley poems that his widow Mary wrote after his death.


Text of Shelley's poem.

The Necessity of Atheism

The essay that got Shelley booted from Oxford.

A Vindication of Natural Diet

Shelley's pro-vegetarianism treatise.

Shelley at Oxford

A memoir of Shelley's short student days by his friend Thomas Hogg.

The Life of Percy Bysshe Shelley

A biography by Thomas Hogg.

Recollections of the Last Days of Shelley and Byron

The controversial memoir by E. J. Trelawny.


Text of the horror novel by Shelley's wife Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley.

History of a Six Weeks' Tour

Mary Shelley's account of the Shelleys' 1814 elopement to Europe.