
Character Role Analysis

Pnin and VN

On the one hand we have Pnin. He's older, a Russian émigré, from a middle-class family, and hopelessly failing at integrating into American life. On the other hand we have VN. Even though he's also a Russian émigré, he seems to be a little younger, from an upper-class family, and so well integrated that he literally replaces Pnin in the storyline.

According to VN's narrative, they both follow the same path taking them from Russia, to Paris, and finally to the United States. VN even had the potential for a brief fling with Pnin's ex-wife Liza.

They are almost identical except for one small thing. VN is just better than Pnin at everything. And that makes Pnin seem even more pathetic than he would have without him.