Tateh Timeline and Summary


Tateh Timeline and Summary

  • Tateh lives in a Lower East Side slum with his wife Mameh and daughter Little Girl. They are so poor that one day Mameh sleeps with her employer for extra money.
  • Tateh throws Mameh out and raises Little Girl on his own. They meet Evelyn Nesbit, who takes an interest in the little girl. One day they go to see Emma Goldman speak and Tateh realizes who Evelyn is and who she married for money.
  • Disgusted with Evelyn and with New York, Tateh flees north with his daughter to Massachusetts. There he works in a textile factory. When the mill goes on strike, Tateh nearly loses his daughter during a police action at the train station.
  • Tateh and Little Girl end up in Philadelphia, where he sells movie books he makes to the Franklin Novelty Company for $25 each.
  • Tateh becomes a partner in the Franklin Novelty Co. and then a filmmaker.
  • He meets Mother, Father and Little Boy in Atlantic City.
  • After Father dies, Tateh marries Mother and together they move to California, where he makes successful series of films.