Comedy of Manners in Restoration Literature

Comedy of Manners in Restoration Literature

The Comedy of Manners is a theatrical genre that was uber-popular during the Restoration period. These comedies were bawdy and dirty, with lots of hilarious (and scandalous) dialogue focusing on sex. Their plot lines revolved around unfaithful wives, cuckolded husbands, and tricky lovers.

These comedies made fun of people… and sometimes entire social classes. Everyone is made to look ridiculous in these plays. People are stupid and gullible, or else they're amoral and exploitative. But it was all done in the name of fun. Audiences went to these plays during the Restoration period to laugh their heads off.

Chew on This

Trickery and sexual deceit are big themes in Comedies of Manners. They're also big themes in William Wycherley's comedy The Country Wife .

William Congreve's Love for Love is a comedy that revolves around love and money.