Edward Ferrars Timeline and Summary


Edward Ferrars Timeline and Summary

  • Edward meets Elinor, his brother-in-law's half-sister, at Norland.
  • Edward and Elinor immediately hit it off, but it's clear that his mother and sister would approve of the match.
  • The Dashwoods leave Norland for Barton, with a clear invitation to Edward to come and stay with them – Mrs. Dashwood wants to make a point for Fanny's observation.
  • Edward doesn't show up at Barton for some time – when he does, he feebly explains that he's been staying with some friends in nearby Plymouth. He's also got a new ring with a lock of hair braided into it – what's up with that?
  • Edward is awkward with his old friends at first, but warms back up to them quickly. It's clear that he's really enjoying his time at Barton Cottage, and dreads leaving.
  • Unfortunately, good things all have to come to an end, and Edward has to leave Devonshire for London.
  • Meanwhile, Lucy explains to Elinor that she and Edward have been secretly engaged for some time. Elinor learns that Edward was actually visiting Lucy's uncle (and Lucy) in Plymouth before he came to Barton. Furthermore, it's Lucy's lock of hair in his new ring.
  • Once the Dashwoods are in London, Edward comes to visit. He find Elinor and Lucy (his secret fiancée) together – super awkward.
  • Anne Steele outs Edward and Lucy's engagement, and he's disowned by his family. He doesn't know what to do.
  • Edward stops by to visit Elinor, and she informs him that Colonel Brandon has given him Delaford living once he becomes ordained. He's puzzled and relieved, but still troubled by something – he assumes that Elinor and Colonel Brandon are engaged, and that she's asked her new fiancé to do this.
  • Edward rushes off to thank Colonel Brandon.
  • After Lucy's surprise switch over to Robert and their subsequent secret marriage, Edward turns up at Barton. He clears everything up about the whole Lucy-Robert-him-Elinor mess; Elinor is so overcome by emotion that she flees the room.
  • Edward also bumbles off, feeling awkward – after all, he'd just come to Barton intending to propose. He returns, though, and manages to ask Elinor to marry him. Of course, she says yes. There's much rejoicing.
  • John suggests that it might be a good time to ask Mrs. Ferrars to reconsider her elimination of Edward from the family. He's offended by the idea of writing a "submissive" letter to his mother, but Elinor convinces her new future hubby to write to his mother and ask to be forgiven.
  • Edward follows Elinor's advice, and is rewarded by his mother's grudging forgiveness and ten thousand pounds. Mrs. Ferrars even goes so far as to visit the couple once they're married.
  • Edward happily settles down with his bride and takes over the parsonage at Delaford.