Guide Mentor


Guide Mentor

Character Role Analysis


We considered listing Detective Somerset as the guide/mentor of Seven, but he would be the worst mentor ever. He's a man who, after many years on a big-city police force, has pretty much given up hope for humanity. He's upset with humanity for being apathetic, and he has become apathetic about humanity as a result.

This isn't a man who is going to inspire anyone. And, at the beginning of the movie, he doesn't want to help Mills solve this case. He thinks Mills would be better off anywhere else but here (okay, in this instance, he's right), and he tries to get him reassigned. He's the worst teacher ever.

And that leaves … who? John Doe? (No, thanks.) The dude tied to a bed for a year? Gwyneth's head?

We'll go with "no mentor" and stick with that.