"Song VII" is a poem about the divine. The speaker doesn't specify what, or who, this divine is. But we can gather from his words that the divine is some presence up there in the sky that is so much more powerful and awesome than the speaker is. For one thing, this divine being makes much better poetry and music than the speaker himself does. Tagore's poem, then, is a song of praise to the divine. It's a poem that's all about how wondrous (and wonderful) the divine is.
Questions About Spirituality
- How do the speaker's own poetic abilities compare to those of the divine being? And what does this suggest about the divine?
- In what ways does the speaker hope to connect with God through his poetry?
- How does God express himself through the speaker's own being?
Chew on This
Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.
The speaker sees poetry as a means through which we can speak to the divine.
The poem's main point is that the divine speaks through us.