Symbol Analysis

Alone as alone can be. That's our speaker on this snowy evening. Why then, do we feel like he's not alone? Is it his little horse that seems to have a mind of its own, is it the landowner who is snug in his cozy house in the cozy village, or is it the presence of something else entirely?

  • Line 2: The "village" can be interpreted as a symbol for society and civilization.
  • Line 5: Horses have thoughts? We knew it all along. The horse is personified in this line.
  • Line 6: Farmhouses may not be the most hoppin' places in the world, but they do usually involve people. Because of this, the farmhouse that our speaker mentions seems like a symbol for society and civilization.
  • Line 10: Giving his harness bells a shake, the horse is personified once more as he asks "if there is some mistake."
  • Lines 15-16: "Sleep" is a solitary activity, no? In these lines, "sleep" could be interpreted as a metaphor for death.