Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing Theme of Youth

There are definitely advantages to being Peter's age: no worries about paying for rent or groceries, no commuting to work on the subway, no paying taxes or dealing with demanding clients. But there are tough parts, too, like getting in trouble with your parents, dealing with super-impossible siblings, or having to work on group projects at school.

Even though Peter lives a pretty great life in Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, with no worries about money or serious family problems, he has problems that all kids go through. That's why Judy Blume has sold 80+ million books: she's able to write in a non-condescending way about the common themes of young peoples' lives, in a way that lets them know that she totally gets it. She really brings the character of the irrepressible Fudge to life. Blume had a rambunctious toddler son herself, and she must have a pretty vivid memory of her own childhood, too.

Questions About Youth

  1. Why doesn't Peter get to play in Central Park without a friend with him?
  2. How come Peter isn't considered for the Toddle-Bike commercial, but Fudge is?
  3. Is Fudge excited to turn three?
  4. Is Fudge a realistic toddler or is he exaggerated?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

"Youth" is relative. Peter often feels put-upon and old even though he's only a fourth grader. Compared to his little brother Fudge, he's super responsible and acts more grown-up.

Even though Peter has to watch over his little brother, he still gets the chance to play like a kid.