Tar Beach Dreams, Hopes, and Plans Quotes

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Quote #4

I can fly—yes, fly. […] That means I am free to go wherever I want for the rest of my life. (10)

The beauty of being free is having a lot of choices about what to do with your life. Cassie seems super hopeful about the future.

Quote #5

But he still can't join the union because Grandpa wasn't a member. (13)

Daddy had hopes and plans, too. But it sounds like he's not too hopeful these days.

Quote #6

Well, Daddy is going to own that building, 'cause I'm gonna fly over it and give it to him. (14)

Cassie wants to swoop in and fix her family's problems. The only problem is that her plans aren't very realistic. What do you want from her? She's only eight.