Jan Timeline and Summary


Jan Timeline and Summary

  • Jan makes love with Edwige. In silence.
  • We learn that Jan is going to the Unites States for work and that his favorite book is, of all things, an old Greek romance called Daphnis and Chloe.
  • Jan visits Hanna, who tells him about her encounter with their mutual friend, Passer.
  • Jan goes to see the Clevises and listens in on an awkward convo about women as sex objects.
  • Jan runs into Barbara, who invites him to one of her orgies.
  • Jan reflects on the concept of the border and what it means to him at 45 years old.
  • Jan tries out his old moves on a young woman on the train and realizes that he's old.
  • Jan gets into a discussion with Edwige about rape and male sexuality. It doesn't end well for him.
  • Jan recalls an affair he once had with a married woman. It almost ended because of laughter.
  • Passer is dying in the hospital, and Jan goes to see him. Although his friend is in good spirits, Jan can tell he's not going to make it.
  • Jan attends the orgy at Barbara's house and ruins the mood with his uncontrollable laughter. Barbara chucks him out on the sidewalk.
  • Jan and Edwige take a final trip to the seashore. The nude seashore, to be specific. Edwige misinterprets Jan's shout-out to Daphnis.