Andrew Clark (Emilio Estevez)’s Timeline and Summary

Andrew Clark (Emilio Estevez)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Andrew's dad drops him off at the school for detention—chiding him for putting his scholarship at risk.
  • Soon, Bender and Andrew end up verbally sparring, with Andrew defending Claire and insulting Bender, calling him a nothing.
  • At one point, the argument gets so intense that Bender pulls a knife on Andrew, but doesn't use it.
  • Eventually, Andrew ends up smoking pot with Bender and the other kids.
  • When they sit around in a circle, Andrew reveals why he was really sentenced to detention: He horribly bullied a kid by taping his butt cheeks together, inadvertently causing skin and hair to come off when the tape was removed.
  • At the end of the movie, he ends up getting together with Allison (after her makeover), acting on the chemistry they've felt for each other throughout the course of the movie.