The Circuit Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Since I could not sleep, I decided to get up and join Papá and Roberto at breakfast. I sat at the table across from Roberto, but I kept my head down. I did not want to look up and face him. I knew he was sad. He was not going to school today. […]

When Papá and Roberto left for work, I felt relief. (9.24-25)

Roberto and Francisco are great buddies, but they have their differences too. And one of the main differences is that Francisco gets to go to school during cotton season and Roberto doesn't. Can you tell how guilty Francisco feels here? With all his head hanging, we're thinking he feels badly about getting an opportunity his brother has to miss out on. What do you think makes Francisco feel so bad here?

Quote #8

Papá pushed me along, handing me several handfuls of strawberries he picked from my row. With his help, I got through that long day. (10.60)

Francisco is having a rough day—his new pal Gabriel has just been fired, and Carlos has been a huge jerk when it comes to playing kick-the-can. But with his dad's help, our main chap gets through this tough time. Sure, he and his old man may not see eye to eye on everything, but this is one sweet moment where they work together to get the job done.

Quote #9

"So you see, mi'jito, Rorra is more important than the pennies. Don't be so hard on your little sister."

Mamá's story calmed me down a little, but I was still angry at Rorra. I took a deep breath and went back inside to our room. (11.56-57)

When Francisco's little sis takes his two favorite pennies to buy gumballs, he is angry as all get-out—and that anger doesn't subside all at once. His mom tells him a sweet story about how his sis is more important than pennies—and he probably knows this is true—but that doesn't mean he's going to feel all lovey dovey for Rorra right away.