Ellsworth Toohey Timeline and Summary


Ellsworth Toohey Timeline and Summary

  • Toohey becomes the biggest architecture critic in the country and publishes a bestseller, Sermons in Stone.
  • Toohey nearly gets assassinated by Steven Mallory, but Mallory misses.
  • He begins to mentor/manipulate Peter Keating and tries to make him a big success.
  • He also dominates the life of his niece, Katie Halsey.
  • Toohey frequently interacts with Dominique, and the two constantly try to one-up one another.
  • On the sly, he manipulates Hopton Stoddard into hiring and later suing Roark over Roark's work on the Stoddard Temple.
  • Toohey confronts Roark after the trial, but Roark gives him the cold shoulder.
  • Toohey gets upset when Dominique marries Gail Wynand.
  • When Wynand decides to defend Roark, Toohey plays hardball and arranges for his henchmen to strike, leaving Wynand's newspaper practically without any staff.
  • Toohey also drops Peter Keating and then proceeds to emotionally destroy the man.
  • Wynand eventually has to cave and re-hire Toohey.
  • Toohey tries to beat Roark at the trial over the Cortlandt House, but it doesn't go his way.
  • Wynand scores one against Toohey but shutting down his newspaper, leaving Toohey (temporarily) without a job or a media outlet for his political spiel.