Love Interest

Love Interest

Character Role Analysis

Romantic Interest: Theodora & Luke

Not only foils but also romantic interests? Theodora and Luke are putting in some serious character overtime. Yep, there's a sort of love triangle here. This triangle just doesn't come with very well defined angles.

Because most of the story takes place from Eleanor's perspective (jump over to our "Narrator Point of View" section for more), and Eleanor doesn't really know what she wants, it can be hard to say one way or another who loves whom—or if anybody likes anyone "in that way." We get vague clues: Luke and Theo run off together in the forests (8.83), Luke maybe opens himself up to Eleanor (6.11), and Theodora might be flirting with Eleanor (5.171). But it's hard to say anything definitively.

All we truly know is that Hill House's love department is a hot mess, and we're definitely not putting in our applications there.