Zakariyya Bari Abdul Rahman (born Joe Lacks) Timeline and Summary


Zakariyya Bari Abdul Rahman (born Joe Lacks) Timeline and Summary

  • Joe Lacks nearly dies of tuberculosis after the death of his mother.
  • Ethel starves and beats him. He eventually goes with his siblings to live with Bobbette and Lawrence, but gets in trouble with the law.
  • Joe joins the military and is discharged after being deemed psychologically unsuitable.
  • He kills a man named Ivy after Ivy harasses and beats him. Joe hides out in Clover for a time, but surrenders of his own free will in Baltimore.
  • He spends 15 years in prison where he converts to Islam and changes his name.
  • After he's released, Zakariyya can't hold a job. He lives on the street outside of Day's house and refuses his father's hospitality.
  • He participates in experiments at Hopkins to make money.
  • Zakariyya attends the Morehouse conference arranged by Pattillo and behaves badly.
  • He meets Skloot for the first time when Deborah brings her by. He receives Lengauer's picture of HeLa cells from Deborah.
  • Zakariyya travels to Hopkins with Skloot and his sister to see HeLa cells in Lengauer's lab.
  • Skloot ends Zakariyya's story by telling us that he continued to get into trouble.