The Killer Angels Part 2, Chapter 7 Summary


  • Buford watches the Union soldiers dig in on Cemetery Hill and Cemetery Ridge. His left arm is slightly wounded. He rides off to find the Union headquarters.
  • When Buford arrives at headquarters and asks to see the man in charge, a bunch of majors argue about whether General Hancock or Howard is really in charge. Buford sees John Gibbon, an officer who leads him to Hancock.
  • Gibbon explains what's going on with the army: everyone's arrived except General Sedgwick's corps. Buford is glad but tired; he just wants orders.
  • Buford is outraged to discover that General Howard made a complaint against him for allegedly not giving him more support in the battle.
  • Buford angrily moves through the room full of officers to where Hancock is sitting. He tells Hancock about how he witnessed Reynolds's death and describes his involvement in the battle.
  • Buford leaves headquarters as Meade arrives, angrily discussing how they're going to need to hold this ground.
  • Outside, Buford says to the spirit of Reynolds that they'd managed to hold the ground. Both of Buford's lieutenants died in the battle, and he thinks sadly about how he'll need new ones.