The Knife of Never Letting Go (Chaos Walking #1) Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter, Paragraph)

Quote #1

Also true: going to the swamp to pick a few apples is not a job for a man cuz men are never allowed to be so idle. Now, I won't officially become a man for thirty more days. I've lived twelve years of thirteen long months each and another twelve months besides, all of which living means I'm still one month away from the big birthday. (1.10)

Right at the start, we know that coming of age is a big deal in Prentisstown. They've got the process down to the day it happens. Why? We're not sure at this point. But Todd's grumpy because he's sick of being a kid and getting stuck with boring jobs; he wants to be a man. He gives us that sense that men have more weight in society since they "aren't allowed to be so idle."

Quote #2

What I want this year is a hunting knife like the one Ben carries on the back of his belt. Now that's a present for a man. (1.65)

Todd wants a knife because men have knives and Todd wants to be a man. When he was given Manchee as a gift, he resented it, perhaps because puppies are for kids.

Quote #3

I will be a man soon and men do not run in fear but I give Manchee a little push and we walk even a little faster than before, giving the Mayor's House as wide a curve as possible till we're past it and on the gravel path that heads on towards our house. (2.55)

Moral of the story: Todd isn't quite a man. He makes a point of saying that he won't run—he's just going to walk really fast. Being a man comes along with a set of ideals that Todd seems really hungry for, but he doesn't seem like man material at the moment.