Viola Eade Timeline and Summary


Viola Eade Timeline and Summary

  • Viola has lived in a spaceship her entire life and is a settler coming from the Old World to the New World.
  • Her ship crashes and kills both her parents. She's hanging out and hiding from Aaron until Todd finds her.
  • She joins Todd as he runs farther away from Prentisstown.
  • She and Todd run from the Prentisstown army; after they cross a bridge, Viola gets the idea to burn it down so that the army can't follow.
  • She and Todd stay with Hildy and Tam, and then travel to Farbranch.
  • When the army attacks Farbranch, Todd finds Viola and they escape together.
  • Viola watches as Todd kills the Spackle. Then Aaron shows up and kidnaps her, after he stabs Todd.
  • Viola is a captive of Aaron's, wandering the countryside, until Todd shows up and helps her escape.
  • When Todd passes out in the boat, she sails down the river until Doctor Snow finds them; she makes the decision to go to Carbonel Downs so that Todd can be healed.
  • While waiting for Todd to wake up, she tries to figure out what's going on in the settlement she's in, but the men in the town don't respect women, so they won't tell her anything.
  • She keeps a close distance and Todd is reunited with Ben, and the two of them catch up.
  • Viola continues to Haven with Todd, and runs into the church to hide from Aaron—when Aaron finds them, she kills him as he's fighting Todd.
  • After they leave the church, they run into Prentiss Jr., who shoots Viola's stomach.
  • Viola is carried to Haven by Todd. She's pretty unconscious for the rest of the story.