The Lathe of Heaven Theme of Technology and Modernization

It's tempting to think that technology is an inherently good thing. After all, it did give us the Internet and Lolcats, so what could go wrong? Well, a lot, actually. Nuclear missiles, anyone? Pollution? Google Glass? In The Lathe of Heaven, we are shown how the creation of technology does not always lead to the best thing for humanity. In fact, it can lead to its destruction.

Questions About Technology and Modernization

  1. What effect have technology and monetization had on George's world in The Lathe of Heaven? Is this good or bad? Why?
  2. How does George feel about technology in The Lathe of Heaven? How does he express that? What about Dr. Haber?
  3. How does the view of technology in The Lathe of Heaven compare to the view in most science-fiction novels? Is it similar or different? How so?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Technology only leads to bad things in The Lathe of Heaven.

Science and technology are ultimately good in The Lathe of Heaven.