The Magic Barrel Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Magic Barrel? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Why did Leo contact Salzman?

He's bored.
He is madly in love with a lost girl.
His parents had been paired by a marriage broker.
He doesn't think it proper to act without a matchmaker.
Q. What does Mr. Saltzman want to call Leo?

Dr. Finkle
Q. Which girl does Leo agree to meet first?

The nineteen year old honor student.
The high school teacher.
The young widow.
The girl who is a little lame in her right foot.
Q. Why does Leo find Lily unsuitable as a match?

Her limp.
An unsuitable dowry.
She has a past.
She's older than he was told.
Q. Why does Leo decide to pursue Stella even after Salzman forbids it?

Her beauty, feature for feature, was superior.
To help Salzman's family.
He pictures in her, his own redemption.
He already knew her.