The Maltese Falcon Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Maltese Falcon? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Why is Spade so distrustful towards most of the people he encounters?

He thinks that the whole world is out to get him.
He knows that everyone always has something they're hiding
He is convinced the police are trying to frame him.
He was betrayed by a childhood friend and never really trusted anyone every again.
Q. What motivates Brigid to lie to nearly everyone she meets?

She is a victim of a corrupt society that forces her to resort to deception, and she's afraid if she doesn't die, she'll end up dead.
She is afraid that she'll never get her hands on the falcon.
She's pathological.
She doesn't understand the difference between a lie and the truth.
Q. Which of the following characters are least motivated by greed?

Q. Does Spade do the right thing at the end when he turns Brigid over to the police?

Yes, Spade is avenging his partner's death.
Yes, Brigid deserves what's coming to her.
No, Spade should have remained loyal to Brigid.
We don't know for sure because Hammett leaves the ending morally ambiguous.
Q. What is the significance of the Flitcraft parable to Spade?

The story represents the random nature of life and how we're not always in control of what happens to us.
Spade is envious of Flitcraft's ability to just leave behind his life.
Flitcraft is proponent of having a "devil may care" attitude toward life.
Spade thinks that Flitcraft was smart to not let himself be tied down by family and work.