The Prologue Humility Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Line)

Quote #1

My obscure lines shall not so dim their worth. (6)

We think this is one of those moments (and there are a bunch of them in this poem) where it's hard to draw the line between humility and beating yourself up. Sure, no one likes a show-off, and you couldn't accuse our speaker of patting herself on the back. At the same time, maybe she takes it a little too far here. Because in fact, instead of being obscure, her lines are remembered and recited today, long after most of her male critics are completely forgotten. Then again, maybe this is just meant to throw her potential critics off, so she can go on writing about whatever she wants (which she does anyway).

Quote #2

My foolish, broken, blemished Muse so sings, (16)

If our speaker had a therapist, she might call this "negative self-talk." Seriously, Anne, what's with all the beating up on yourself? At times, it feels like she's drinking the woman-hating Kool-Aid she seems to be poking fun at.

Quote #3

Yet grant some small acknowledgement of ours. (42)

This really isn't a lot to ask, is it? She doesn't want to be first or best or most famous. She just wants some "small acknowledgment." This is a pretty ingenious way for her to have her cake and eat it, too. She can be humble, but also ask for what is hers. She doesn't have to threaten or compete with the apparently very sensitive men of her day. She can be patient and humble and demure, like a Puritan wife should be, but also ask for some recognition of her special gifts.