Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Ruined Maid? Put your knowledge to
the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What was 'Melia wearing when she left the farm?
Shoes and socks
A dress
An Oakland Raiders jersey
Q. What does 'Melia have on her wrist?
A Rolex
A digital watch
Q. What does 'Melia have that makes us think of birds?
A beak
A three-toed foot
Q. What did 'Melia have on her feet when she left the farm?
The newest pair of Jordans on the market
Socks but no shoes
Shoes but no socks
Q. What does the other woman wish she had?
Feathers and a fine sweeping gown
More money
New socks
Dress shoes