The Secret Sharer Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Secret Sharer? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What object helps guide the captain's ship through the dark at the end of the story?

A rock
The captain's hat
An old boot
A harbor buoy
Q. What is the crew of the Sephora trying to do when Leggatt murders a fellow crewmember?

Beat up the captain
Rig a sail
Avoid an iceberg
Q. What giant object looms over the boat at the end of the story?

A sea monster
A giant wave
The island of Koh-ring
The demon inside the captain's head
Q. What part of the world is the narrator sailing in?

The North Atlantic
The South Pacific
The Indian Ocean
The Arctic Ocean
Q. Who snoops around the captain's cabin the most (apart from Leggatt)?

The steward
The chief mate
The second mate
The steward's cat