The Lady of the Green Kirtle / Queen of Underland Timeline and Summary


The Lady of the Green Kirtle / Queen of Underland Timeline and Summary

  • As the serpent/beautiful lady in green, she features in the owl's story of the lost prince.
  • The Lady of the Green Kirtle meets Jill, Eustace, and Puddleglum on the giants' bridge and tells them of Harfang. She gives them the double-edged message to deliver upon arrival.
  • She appears as the Queen of Underland after Rilian is released from the Silver Chair and his enchantment.
  • The Queen attempts to enchant Jill, Eustace, Puddleglum, and Rilian with her green powder and music.
  • When this doesn't work, she morphs into the green serpent and attacks them. Rilian kills her.
  • The Dwarves of Narnia confirm that she is of the White Witch's stock.